Cured Salmon Crackers
Rice crackers schmeared with garlic scape pesto and then topped with Tea Cured Salmon, and boiled eggs! Snacking made easy, fast, cheap and healthy! In the latest issue of NOURISHED magazine(BOUNTY), I share a recipe for curing salmon at home. What I love about doing that is how easy it is, taking all of 10 minutes, and then how cheap it is!

Changing a Lifestyle
I need your Help! What do you do?
Those of you who are paleo, grain free, gluten intolerant, what do you do, when carrying lunch is not an option and are stuck finding lunch while on the move?

For your Weekend Pleasure : Potted Salmon and Scrambled Eggs
This is one of those dishes that depending on how you spin it can be an elegant brunch dish or a way to spin leftovers into something different and delicious. Either way you start with a nice piece of salmon (or extra slices if you are planning for leftovers), bake it, flake it, make a flavorful salad type mix, pot it and serve it. Cold.