Better for You Energy Bars
These bars are great for breakfast on the go or pre-post workout energy boost as they are packed with protein and sweetened only naturally. They are completely gluten free and can be made vegan by substituting the butter for coconut oil.
Breakfast for the quick footed
Ahhhh to be a 2 year old! :) You get to sleep 12 hours plus a nap and play allllll day! And, you can eat literally every hour and have the energy to constantly run, run, run, and yet not be out of breath.
Seeded Oat Loaf {Redux}
When the original “Life Changing Bread” made the headlines, I gladly jumped on the bandwagon and adopted it, as I was in the painful throes of bread withdrawal. Suddenly this wheat free version would bring the simple civility of toast back into my life and I no longer felt renegaded as a vestige of third world-ism. I jest of course. But, not really. To an avid bread enthusiast, the diagnosis of intolerance of refined carbs was a fatal blow. I reeled for years from it. I made do with weekend cheat treats and genuine substitutes such as this loaf. I suppose if it did not save my life, yet it did save my joy!
Home and Homemade Granola
After I came back from the latest trip, wretched and tired, last evening, all I wanted was to feel at home. The first thing I did, even before unpacking, this morning, is turn on the oven, toss a big bowl of oats with nuts and honey and let her bake while I pottered about cleaning and setting things in the right place. In 20 minutes, I had my world to myself as I sat happy on the kitchen table with the latest New Yorker, my bowl of fresh, warm granola, drenched in fresh almond milk that I also made ten minutes prior and a short espresso.
I am back on the road in three days, but until then, I will enjoy this feeling of being just where I am, safe and happy :)
Jonas me a Crumble!
This weekend we were under blizzard warning. We got several feet of snow yes, but this was possibly the gentlest blizzard I have ever seen. The snow was not swirling and flurrying in anger; it was windy but not, I am going to blow you right off the road strong. It was an day's worth of elegant build up in fresh powdery white fluff. The stuff of fairy tales really.
Back home, I made savory waffles with more vegetables in them than flour. They turned out awesome, so you will be seeing them here soon! And, this berry crumble. It is a recipe inspired by of my work colleagues at the last project and I have made it a few times already and love it! It is so simple and so satisfying, and, can be made in any size. Plus, when it is cold out, it is the best feeling to switch on the oven, have sweet aromas wafting through the house, hold a warm plate and bite into the melting cool of ice cream. Isn't it?!