Cool as a Tamarind...
drinks, Food & Drink Asha drinks, Food & Drink Asha

Cool as a Tamarind...

Tamarind is a common spice you see in Indian and Asian cuisine, especially those closer to the Equinox. In the right amount, it lends a subtle sourness that instantly makes your mouth water and want to eat more. I took that more-ish tanginess and balanced with sweetened syrup, soothing lemon balm and refreshing citrus to make this Summer Cooler that would be great with a barbeque, sitting under the shade of a tree reading a book or just served from a big pitcher whilst sitting on the porch/stoop and seeing the world pass by....

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Mango Ice Cream Cake Sandwiches
Dessert, Food & Drink Asha Dessert, Food & Drink Asha

Mango Ice Cream Cake Sandwiches

Before the season runs away let me rush in some ice cream recipes...!! I am in India at the moment and I think Mango Ice Cream is appropriate to share now. It is the first ice creams I shared on this blog and it came with a lot of baggage but tasted divine, perhaps for that baggage?! Until recently I hand churned my ice creams, first making the custard and then cooling, freezing and churning every hour or so. It took nearly half a day to make a pint of ice cream ready to set! And, then another half of hot footed impatience for it to freeze and be ready for scooping. Wait! Then another a couple of hours before I actually got to taste it, because, well, all the photography... It was quite a production as you can imagine!

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Savor the Tart!
brunch, meals, Food & Drink Asha brunch, meals, Food & Drink Asha

Savor the Tart!

Well, it was to be expected after all... Sometime during this season, the tomatoes makes themselves felt on blogs around this part of the world. 

May I present, the solace of mine soul - Tomato Tart! Pure and simple. 

It does have a gluten free crust and before you gluten snobs wrinkle your nose about it, I ask you to give it a chance. The millet and moong flours have just the right boldness to man up to the saucy fullness of the tomato. It is almost a needed intervention, lest you get ungrounded by the fatal attractiveness of the sun kissed slices.. Trust me, I speak from experience...!

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Announcement: A new NOURISHED Available to Download
announcement, magazine Asha announcement, magazine Asha

Announcement: A new NOURISHED Available to Download

This issue has been a bit delayed. Oh! For various reasons. Let me just say, I am relieved and thrilled at the same to say that it is now available!!! WOOT!

Working to finish this issue amidst the chaos of the last few months, has been a rather stabilizing force. I longed to complete it and set it out and yet at the same time, life pulled me away from it. Even more, I felt an yearning to draw it out, to know that it was there to ground me. Ha! I know it sounds silly. But, until this weekend, I hadn't realized how much I was holding on to it like an adrift sailor to a piece of drift wood. It was then I had the epiphany! There is always the next issue!! ;-)

Autumn... Bring it on! In the meantime, I present you the Summer issue! As always, you can download is for FREE. You can download directly using the link on the right sidebar or have a peek inside the issue first by clicking below!

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Gluten Free Peach Shortbread and Cookies
Dessert, Food & Drink Asha Dessert, Food & Drink Asha

Gluten Free Peach Shortbread and Cookies

I have been rather infrequent in my posting this last month. That has been largely due to the gap between what I had expected/hoped/planned for and what really is my everyday schedule. Oh well! If you are interested, there are details in the post. If not, simply scroll down to get the recipe for a great versatile gluten free shortbread...

Albeit it is the Peach Shortbread, but really it is the multipurpose gluten free recipe for the shortbread that makes a great coffee cake as well as tea cookies! This one is a keeper, I promise!!

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