Strawberry Almond Crumble {Gluten Free}
A crumble is one the recipes that is a good thing to have in the easy-to-grab drawer. It is super easy and pretty amenable to whatever fruit filling you have on hand and even any flour you have handy. For this one, I used strawberries that I had picked and frozen last year, around this time. The crumble topping is all almond flour. I love its nuttiness and richness paired with the lightness of the fruit. I think it makes a great pairing!
Swimming with the Sharks
I was in Fort Lauderdale last week. We were a small party of girls who came from NYC in search of sun and waves. We got little of first and a lot of the second. For the time we were there, Florida was a moody b**tch tempting us with gorgeous blue skies in the early am and dousing us with furious showers and crackling lighting and thunder as soon as we got to the beach...
But we were resolute. We counted the time between the crack of thunder and streak of lightning in the distant horizon and convinced ourselves it was too far away to rob us off our fun. We had packed a cooler of alcohol and we were determined to polish it off while beaching on the sand, even if it was wet.
Jonas me a Crumble!
This weekend we were under blizzard warning. We got several feet of snow yes, but this was possibly the gentlest blizzard I have ever seen. The snow was not swirling and flurrying in anger; it was windy but not, I am going to blow you right off the road strong. It was an day's worth of elegant build up in fresh powdery white fluff. The stuff of fairy tales really.
Back home, I made savory waffles with more vegetables in them than flour. They turned out awesome, so you will be seeing them here soon! And, this berry crumble. It is a recipe inspired by of my work colleagues at the last project and I have made it a few times already and love it! It is so simple and so satisfying, and, can be made in any size. Plus, when it is cold out, it is the best feeling to switch on the oven, have sweet aromas wafting through the house, hold a warm plate and bite into the melting cool of ice cream. Isn't it?!