Roast Sugar Plum and Ricotta Ice Yogurt
In class recently, we discussed "Flavor" as an objective tool and how to measure it as a function of certain parameters. Our professor, Peter Klosse, a restauranteur and academician, argued that if you can separate Flavor the object from Flavor the experience then we can create a language of understanding that can unite and bring together people! What a wonderfully fascinating idea??!! I was really taken by that concept of using science to find a way to connect and hope to explore it more...
Anyway, ice cream was one of the examples that we choose to look into....

Saffron Pistachio Kulfi Pops
Kulfi and I have history. One that has roots from high school! I honestly don't remember much of my school days. Looking back, I realise I went most of it a haze of self-defense. I never fit, so I choose to exclude myself voluntarily, thereby creating a myth of control and years of no nostalgia.
But amidst all of that barrenness are a few flickers of bright memories, the few times, I indulged in life and life ruffled my hair and said you can laugh and have fun. Kulfi is one of those few happy memories I retain from that time of my life. And, through it the longest friendship of my life. Although, I haven't been a good friend most of the time in that relationship and the tenuous connection continues only because of the other person. I am sorry for that. And, I am kinda hoping to make up for that, by dedicating this recipe to her.
It was like this.

Summer Landscapes and a No Churn Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
Summer is bright and hot and no one wants to do much work to get cool. The best thing to do is simply give in to the beautiful bounty that She gives us and indulge in the innocence of not doing much to them to relish the flavors. This no-churn ice cream, needs only about 10 minutes of work at the stove and little and less effort after. And you have a happy pint of frozen happiness to enjoy in a few hours time!

Pop goes the.....
Ice Crunch!
It is that time of the year when licking, biting, slurping cold and frozen things are entirely normal cravings. Along with this seasonal shift of palate comes a change in the colors on our plate. The markets are now overflowing with fruits of every color in the vibrancy range and I am really trying very hard to hold myself back from picking up one of everything!
Then, my attempts in self-policing are significantly encumbered by the wide variety of food porn I subscribe to. For several weeks, I have been inundated with photos of ice creams and popsicles. Eventually, I realised I simply cannot continue with this masochistic endeavor and had to succumb to Amazon and get myself a popsicle maker!
Now on to phase 2, or the agonizing on flavors. Berries, berries, berries. It was like a trance. I could not get away from them and somehow, I managed to get through the clinging tentacles (or rather thorns) of the bright pinks, reds and deep purples and laid eyes on a lovely ripe papaya. It sang to me.
You see, to understand why, I must take you back to my childhood world of India and my grandparents garden......