Berry Picking... Galettes... and 10 Years...

Berry Picking... Galettes... and 10 Years...

It has been a life changing year! And, really looking back at the the last 10 years when I have been blogging, I am at a loss for words to describe the transformation I have been through. That tonguetied-ness has been a reason for my quiet here. But…. I’ll try…! :)

So, as I was reflecting on 10 years of blogging and trying to figure what that milestone head would read, I realized that it was not about blogging but how one small step into this world, changed my entire life. Not entirely on its own, but like a stone gathering momentum, it set things in motion, it tweaked things in me, opened my eyes to certain qualities in myself and others, met so many interesting people, changed careers….. Starting this blog just created a little path in a new forest and that took to a place that I would never have imagined myself to be in 10 years ago - physically, metaphysically, emotionally, psychologically.

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Breakfast: Buckwheat, Banana and Fruit Muffins
breakfast, Food & Drink Asha breakfast, Food & Drink Asha

Breakfast: Buckwheat, Banana and Fruit Muffins

This year, I have been discovering uses for buckwheat flour. Aside from it being gluten free, it has a unique nuttiness that comes through nicely, especially paired with fruits. I am also intrigued by its unique properties; the flour flexes like it has gluten and it even gels like you used psyllium husk. What I mean, it displays terrific water binding property. These muffins were a creation of necessity as well as curiosity. The usual bananas ripening faster than consumption triggered it. I also wanted to see how a baked good would taste with no added sugar and using only the natural sugars from the fruits in it.

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