{TASTE} New York: Kitchen Table at Empellon Cocina
new york, travel, restaurants Asha new york, travel, restaurants Asha

{TASTE} New York: Kitchen Table at Empellon Cocina

Mexican food is rarely considered to be at the same level as say French or Gastropub experiences. I don't think it has anything to do with racism, but, rather with the type of food normally associated with the cuisine - comfort, down-to-earth, even peasant like and served in tacquerias, bodega and such. Chipotle came in and tried to make it cooler but all still stayed within the $10 range. In our minds, therefore, it has firmly been marked as cheap and abundant value!

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Mango No-Bake {Mexican} Cheesecake
Dessert, Food & Drink Asha Dessert, Food & Drink Asha

Mango No-Bake {Mexican} Cheesecake

Years ago, when I lived in the UES, I would hike a mile North every so often to stock up on fresh corn tortillas, avocados (I was not a prolific eater of it then!), mangoes, and the CHILLIES! Since I moved out, I have been .. well.. rather cheating on the cuisine, tagging every taco I made as it, every chill-chocolate rub as dry mole. 

Anyway, now I have seen the light. Amongst all the amazing things I discovered in the span of a patient 30 minutes were.....

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