Nap Time Squeeze - a continuum of rebranding.
Yep, I am typing this as fast as I can in the 20 minutes I have left of nap time today. Will I make it? Why am I even rushing today? Because I honestly do not know when I will get another day where both kids are not needing my attention for a space of time, while I still have the responsibility. Nap Time a.k.a leave mommy alone time has been a life saver since TF started doing a single long nap a day (she was a terrible to nap before that). Woe be me, I had gotten used to almost a year and half worth afternoon bliss when it all came to a sudden grinding halt with TF2. Notwithstanding the newborn needs, TF decided that the best way to repossess mommy’s flitting attention is to make sure she knew that was in desperate need ALL THE TIME! So naps, even when she was so tired she kept falling while walking, went out the window as she decided to make a stand as only toddlers do. The grit is admirable, truly! :)
So, there we are still on the same, TF2 has graduated to infancy and not a regular schedule and TF is still grandstanding. Before, my stress would often turn to despair or internal rage whenever I used to see TF on the monitor, doing everything except sleep. I mean, given a chance to nap for 2 hours in the middle of the day, I would jump on it. I was exhaustingly sleep deprived, so yes, I would have. Now, I am not as bad, and I realized that I may not always want to sleep. And, TF is no longer a baby, she is little human and she may just not want to sleep. Oh well. The 2 hour window has been rebranded to “Quiet Time”. I am sure it is going to continue to evolve as right now, she is still caged and playing the dark with her furry friends going on adventures and excursions in her mind. Oh what stories she makes up!
TF2 is still a wild card. Doing her thang. I ain’t complaining. It is just not always convenient, when I want to get things done. But, some days like this she indulges me and overlaps her sleep with big sister’s quiet time. Hurrah!
Speaking off, when such a coincided fortune strikes me, I am ALWAYS ill-prepared for it. Its a mad scramble… Should I get a bit of stretching or yoga in? Oh wait! Maybe I should organize the house? No No, I should just relax and sit my butt down and have some tea? Or write a post? I have a 3:15pm hard stop. But as I despair about my choices, I hear the clock ticking away. Usually, I attempt doing many things and do none properly. Sometimes, I end up being mad that I did not. Entirely my fault but these are hard choices, y’all!
I have yet to master the ability to pick one of many equally plausible options for the time and let go the rest. It’s a work in progress. I am working on it. Like today, I watched 10 minutes of TV while eating lunch, then stared at the beautiful snow falling for 5 minutes. Then just as I was debating whether to watch more TV or the snow, the snow stopped and the TV paused into screen saver and I decided to commit to posting. Et Vôila! :)
Ok, 5 minutes countdown….. Recipe to post. Its a one pot recipe, like the only kind I manage these days. Also, richly comforting and gut healing. Hope you enjoy!
P.S. I wrapped up bulk of the post in time! Woot! It is the fastest I have written a cohesive post. ha! Post will go up on schedule… Also, I was sentient on the rest of the week not affording the luxury. I finished the bits and bobs left stealing time while TF was busy with Peppa on the tele and TF2 in her crib watching the mobile. Oh well! LOL
One Pot Chicken Stew
6 chicken thighs (prefer skin on)
1 can of garbanzo beans
1 capsicum or green bell pepper
1 medium red onion, diced
4 cloves of garlic, smashed
3 tsp curry powder
2 tsp ground all spice
1 cup half and half or light cream
lots of cilantro and lemon juice
Heat oil in a pan and place the chicken thighs skin side down. Brown on medium high and when the chicken starts lifting by itself, gently pry to turn around. Brown on the other side.
Move the chicken to the edges and add more oil and saute the onion and garlic till soft.
Season and add curry powder and all spice.
Add the diced green pepper, chickpeas and milk/cream. Give it all a stir.
Cover and cook for 30 minutes on low, till chicken is fully cooked.
Serve over rice or as a stew, generously garnished with cilatro and lime juice.