Green Quinoa Dinner
I have a confession to make. For almost two years, I have been burnt out. That is why this blog has been unpopulated or atleast infrequently populated.
Earlier, this year, actually as late as March, I finally accepted all this and myself. No, I am not the person, who wants to cook everyday. I am not the person who will therefore post here or on social on a dependable frequency. Yet, I am the person, who will enjoy the time I choose to spend in the kitchen. I am the person, who will henceforth acknowledge I don't feel like cooking and ask for help or order in. I am the person, who will have frozen food at home, so I can get to eat something quick.
I am the person who will continue to share with you, what I am enjoying, what I am inspired by and what makes my palate sing.... Like this simple green Spring filled bowl!