Jerusalem - Powerfully Multipolar
travel, writing Asha travel, writing Asha

Jerusalem - Powerfully Multipolar

Indeed, isn't a place nothing but its people? If so, I would say, Jerusalem has a multiple personality disorder!

While in Tel Aviv, I perceived a frenzied energy that served as a the steam outlet of all that pent up tension, here life was rather unremarkably normal on the surface. Despite the looming presence of the Western Wall and all its emotions, that even as an utter outsider with no ties, I was overwhelmed by! One of the defining moments of my trip to the country was at the Western Wall.

As I walked to the wall, at one point, I felt overtaken by a dense wave of energy - an incredibly sad one. And, I found myself uncontrollably crying, tears streaming down my cheeks without control, even as my brain was trying to make sense of what was happening.

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