Saying a story with the Phone
Tips, photography Asha Tips, photography Asha

Saying a story with the Phone

There is a lot written about photography in general and more recently, iPhonography in particular (sorry Androiders; you have the better camera but nobody seems to bother!). Yet, a lot of this literature focuses on getting the shot and less to do with how to say different stories with the same photo. That is, post-processing.

A well shot photograph, that is technically accurate needs no massaging and perhaps, that is why, little is spoken about this part of the process, even though everybody does some amount of it withe every photograph. Still, a photo in a regular camera typically needs less processing and takes less processing.

Today, I sharing some tips and tricks I have picked up playing with my photos. Again, I think this is best with a human element in the image to create emotive effect. It is almost as if you can tell the subject mood, life story, thoughts by what you choose to highlight in the image. 

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