Welcome 2017!
reflections Asha reflections Asha

Welcome 2017!

Around this time, I know it is typical to make resolutions and set goals for the year. In the past, I have thought about this. 2016 was such a packed year that I am still processing all that happened and building myself through these experiences. Oddly, I had set aside the last 2 weeks of the year when I was back in NYC as "Reflection Time" but I was not too efficient about it. In reality, I simply forgot how many distractions NYC offers and well, I was weak! ha.. But that's ok ... and being ok with plans undone is one of my goals for this year.

I would love to hear what your dreams and plans are for this year. This year is also about being present and available for those whom I can be of help to. So, if there is any way I can be useful for you for, please do reach out to me! You can find here at asha@forkspoonnknife.com or on Twitter or Instagram. Even if you just leave a note "Asha, I need your help", I will write back to you

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