Are probably ritualistic for most people..
In the last couple of years mine has changed significantly, since the iPhone came into my life. These are the first few waking hours of my every day ...
- Alarm goes off
- Snooze for 10 minutes
- Alarm goes again
- Asha reluctantly pulls away the wool over her eyes
- Alarm stays insistent
- Asha grudgingly shuts its off. It is a phone alarm. It gives her a good excuse to 'catch up'
- For the next 30 minutes, Asha stays under the duvet browsing through mails, FB, Twitter
- Time for the daily necessities with the iPhone holding on as a faithful dog and throwing up a new app for perusal - Instagram!
- Asha peels back the night's fogginess and mind clicks into high gear thinking about the plans for the day. All the while, also being inspired by the photos splashed the interweb that she was exposed to in the wee hours of the waking day
- The tea kettle whistles while Asha is still planning.. thinking..
- Tea and biscuits are laid and the opportunity for a quick photo presents itself. Snap, click, process, post! Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Blog - Check
- Hence starts the viral interaction with the virtual world and it never stops... these days... :)
- Day begins...!
Oh! And that Vogue you see in the photo or other magazines of visual appeal around my house... are mostly crowded in my bathroom in an effort to wean myself from the phone and focus on the old-fashioned forms of distractions and inspirations.
On the specific subject of Vogue, I am amazed and impressed that there is seemingly little delineation between ads and articles. Clearly, the sales department is far larger than then the writers' league in there!
So, folks, wish you all a Happy Monday and an AWESOME week ahead!! :)
P.S. These flowers make me smile every morning :)
In the last couple of years mine has changed significantly, since the iPhone came into my life. These are the first few waking hours of my every day ...
- Snooze for 10 minutes
- Alarm goes again
- Asha reluctantly pulls away the wool over her eyes
- Alarm stays insistent
- Asha grudgingly shuts its off. It is a phone alarm. It gives her a good excuse to 'catch up'
- For the next 30 minutes, Asha stays under the duvet browsing through mails, FB, Twitter
- Time for the daily necessities with the iPhone holding on as a faithful dog and throwing up a new app for perusal - Instagram!
- Asha peels back the night's fogginess and mind clicks into high gear thinking about the plans for the day. All the while, also being inspired by the photos splashed the interweb that she was exposed to in the wee hours of the waking day
- The tea kettle whistles while Asha is still planning.. thinking..
- Tea and biscuits are laid and the opportunity for a quick photo presents itself. Snap, click, process, post! Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Blog - Check
- Hence starts the viral interaction with the virtual world and it never stops... these days... :)
- Day begins...!
Oh! And that Vogue you see in the photo or other magazines of visual appeal around my house... are mostly crowded in my bathroom in an effort to wean myself from the phone and focus on the old-fashioned forms of distractions and inspirations.
On the specific subject of Vogue, I am amazed and impressed that there is seemingly little delineation between ads and articles. Clearly, the sales department is far larger than then the writers' league in there!
So, folks, wish you all a Happy Monday and an AWESOME week ahead!! :)
P.S. These flowers make me smile every morning :)