2010 - The year that was.....

Wine Glass

Closing in on another year.. another decade... and really, another era. Looking back on this year, I can say, without doubt, it was the toughest one of my life and yet in some ways a really exhilarating and satisfying one.

Two years back, I started this blog with a hope of distraction and a secret desire of something more. This year, I finally could touch the wisps of my secret, not-confessed-even-to-myself, thoughts. It's becoming tangible. It's become something to believe in.. to openly hope for.. to reach out and feel the stars...


Thanks to Mr. FSK some of the highlights of this year has been photography related. Ah! What a new world DSLRs introduce you to.... and then of course, it becomes rather addictive, but, that's ok. It's the healthy kind of addiction! :D

That was one of the best gifts ever and one of the best investments of my life. I could literally see my photographs transforming. This blog is journal of my metamorphosis and I am proud of it.. I am not shy of showing what I was and what I have become and I have goals of what and where I want to be...Flip back a year and you'll see my journey visually laid out in every successive post...

Apple and Cranberry Latkes with Yogurt and Honey

Receiving lovely compliments from fellow bloggers and photographers, whose work I adore and am inspired by, has been absolutely thrilling! And, YAY! to receiving a couple of DMBLGIT badges as well. I also had the opportunity to judge a couple of these contests and got a insider's peak of how contests work making my badges even more special!

And finally, how can I not mention the one event that kept me on my toes and my culinary grey cells on overdrive through the last quarter. Project Food Blog was a real cool initiative that not only gave me many adrenalin rushes but also brought me in touch with some talented bloggers and more importantly fabulous people!

Cherry Tomatoes and white blossoms

So.... I am ready to walk into 2011 with my head held high and swimming with ideas and dreams, and a heart full of hope...I wish you all a brilliant year ahead!! May 2011 bring much joy and laughter into your lives!!! :-))) Let's hold hands and together take life by its bull horns!

Christmas decorations 1

Wish you a Happy 2011!!! :)


Daring Bakers - Christmas Stollen